quiz 0 Punctuation Marks - Learn By Having #quiz3 ثمرات اللغة اخر تحديث : Quiz 1. full stop: to mark the end of an exclamation or strong command in addresses to mark the end of a direct question sometimes in abbreviations 2. Comma: to separate non-essential phrases from the main sentence to mark the end of an exclamation or strong command to show where a letter or letters are missing in a word sometimes for an unusual plural form 3. apostrophe: after subordinate phrases at the beginning of a sentence. round ‘yes’ or ‘no’ used as answers to show possession especially for people after people’s initials 4. inverted commas: round ‘yes’ or ‘no’ used as answers to emphasize a word or to indicate a foreign word or unusual use of a word to show where a letter or letters are missing in a word before question-tags at the end of a sentence Score = Correct answers: تعديل المقال الأقسام quiz مقالات قد تهمك تعليقات