
Adjective suffixes

Adjective suffixes
A.The adjectives different and fictional appear in the text on page 28. Which words do they derive from?
What suffixes are used?
The word 'different' derives from 'differ'. The suffix used is -ent.
The word 'fictional' derives from 'fiction'. The suffix used is -al.

Note:  ملاحظة
Many adjectives are formed by adding the suffixes -ent, -al and -ly to a noun or verb.

B. Look at the adjectives in the table below. Decide
which words they come from and what they mean.

confident, dependent, existent, etc.
confide, depend, exist
educational, additional, natural, national, logical, personal, traditional, etc.
education, addition, nature, nation, logic, person, tradition
costly, daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, etc.
cost, day, week, month, year

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