
Collocations with lose and miss

A. Look at the following extract from the text.
Do you know any other words that collocate with the verb miss? What words collocate with the verb lose?
Without that wonderful webcam, I could have missed my plane.
miss the plane = not board the plane

B. Complete the sentences below with the correct form of lose or miss.
1. Tom threw the bottle towards the bin but he missed.
2. I missed the last few classes and now I'm finding it difficult to understand what's going on.
3. I lost contact with Adam when he moved to Yemen.
4. I lost was disappointed that my team the match.
5. You missed your turn; please take another ticket and wait for your number to be called.
6. I really need to lose weight; I can’t fit into my jeans any more.
7. I miss my mum a lot since I moved away from home.
8. Ali doesn't lose his temper very easily; he is certainly not an irritable person.
9. Jack hesitated and missed his chance to score a goal.
10. Louise lost her patience with her children because they kept on talking when she told them to be quiet.

فقرة المفردات في كتاب الطالب - لمنهج ترافلر 4  ⇐ Vocabulary

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