A. Look at the extracts from dialogue 2.
What do the phrases in the bold mean.
What is your number, sir? you ordered room service.
Note: ملاحظة
A compound noun is a combination of two nouns that function as one word.
The first noun defines the second one, e.g. room number is the number of a room.
B. Match the nouns on the left with those on the right to form compound nouns.
Then complete the sentences 1-5 with some of them.
package guest
holiday ticket
hotel season
peak forecast
return tour
weather destination
package → tour
holiday → destination
hotel → guest
peak → season
return → ticket
weather → forecast
1. All hotel guests can use the gym, sauna and relaxation room for free.
2. According to the weather forecast, it will be sunny and dry next weekend.
3. August is peak season, that’s why all the hotels are so expensive.
4. We are going on a package tour to Lebanon. Would you like to come along?
5. This airline has cheap flights to all the popular holiday destinations around the world.