quiz 0 English Vocabulary Quiz | chest-thigh-thumb-ankle-wrist ثمرات اللغة اخر تحديث : English Vocabulary Quiz Quiz 1. chest: the subject matter of a book a small bag the top part of the front of the body one side or both sides of a sheet of paper in a book 2. thigh: outdoor meal the top part of the leg between the knee and the hip a separate section of a book a university teacher 3. thumb: the short thick finger at the side of the hand for a lock a list of names or topics without delay 4. ankle: the end of a coat or shirt sleeve at the wrist having the job or duty of doing something the joint connecting the foot to the leg to stop living 5. wrist: a tag mouth movement quick smell the joint between the hand and the arm Score = Correct answers: Back To The Main تعديل المقال الأقسام quiz مقالات قد تهمك تعليقات