
Expressions With Make, أول ثانوي, الفصل الدراسي الأول, مفردات ترافلر1

الدرس السابق ⇚ Words easily confused

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the expressions in the box.

make mistakes
make money
make a decision
make predictions
make plans
make a phone call
make sure

1. Ed never knows what he wants. He just can't make a decision about anything. 
2. I’ve already made plans for the weekend. I’m going to visit my parents in Bath. 
3. I need to make a phone call to Sami before we leave.
4. Make sure you close the window before you leave the office.
5. It’s not easy to make predictions about the weather.
6. Robert makes mistakes when he speaks Italian.
7. Harry thinks he can make money without working.

عوده لفهرس مفردات ترافلر 1⇐ Vocabulary Lesson

♣️ ⇐ كل شيء عن منهج Traveller للمرحلة الثانوية
♣️ قد ترغب بزيارة  قناة ثمرات اللغة

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