الدرس السابق ⇚ Lexical set -geographical features
كلمات مُتشابهه
معنى كلمة confused في العنوان أي (مشوش, مُلتبس) ومعنى easily بسهوله - وعليه فإننا نشرح في هذا الدرس كلمات تسبب التباس بسهولة لانها متشابهه تقريباً لكن معناها مختلف حسب سياق الجملة.
Circle the word/phrase that best completes each sentence.
1. Peter stood and watched the smoke raise / rise from the burning building.
2. The teacher asked her students to raise / rise their hands before they ask a question.
3. I’ve told you before not to disturbe / interrupt me when I’m talking.
4. Please turn the radio down. You will disturbe / interrupt your brother; he’s studying for an exam.
5. Saudi Arabia is one of the world’s leading oil / petrol producers.
6. Remind me to stop at the first oil / petrol station we find.
7. The lion lay down and sunned itself in hot/ warm sunshine.
8. The food was too hot/ warm to eat so we left it to cool down.
9. Don’t give up / give in on your dreams; keep on trying until you succeed.
10. Finally, the teacher gave up / gave in to the students’ request to go on an excursion.
عوده لـفهرس ⇐ مفردات Traveller 3
♣️ ⇐ كل شيء عن منهج Traveller للمرحلة الثانوية
♣️ قد ترغب بزيارة ⇐ قناة ثمرات اللغة