
Traveller 5 | ثالث ثانوي الفصل الدراسي الاول | Phrasal Verbs - Keep

الدرس السابق ⇚ Words with several meanings

A. Look at the following extracts from the radio interview in the listening section and match the
phrasal verbs in bold with their corresponding meanings a or b.

In order to keep up with the growing demand for premium
chocolate, in 2005 we decided to move...
...we have to constantly keep up our responsibility.
a. maintain b. keep pace with

keep up with = b
keep up = a

B. Match the phrasal verbs in bold with their meanings.

stick to - continue - stay away from - not reveal - keep under control

1. Hey you, keep off the grass. stay away from
2. Despite the heavy rain, the boys keep on playing football. continue
3. Keep to the speed limit or else I’ll get out of the car. stick to
4. It’s getting too loud in here, keep it down! keep under control
5. Why do you always keep back all the interesting gossip? not reveal

عوده لفهرس مفردات ترافلر 5 ⇐ Vocabulary Lesson

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