Why You Should Learn Another Language
The importance Of Learning New Language
Some people have a natural gift for learning languages. Some people even take it up as a hobby, learning Italian in their spare time possibly because they're planning to visit Italy, but possibly just for enjoyment. And then some people remember their non-elective language classes in high school and shudder. "That's not 'un livre', it's a book! And that's not 'ein Kuli', it's a pen!".
It's true that some learners find foreign languages easy to learn, or at least pick them up with greater ease than others. Different types of mind accept different areas of learning with greater or less ease. The person who seems to have French cracked might be awful at chemistry. Someone who can't get the hang of Spanish might well be an absolute genius in history. And then there are others who are brilliant at everything, but they don't need any help.
If you weren't that good at languages when you were in school, that doesn't mean you'll never get the hang of it. The human mind is not a fixed unit, impenetrable to new learning. It's not rare for people to say: "Oh, I'm no good at that! I stick to what I know!". However, your experience in school can fix an impression in your mind that colors how you think of a subject, and often it is completely inaccurate.
A lot of people decide to learn a new language later in life, because they're planning to holiday or even live in another country. Maybe they choose to learn one for business or employment reasons, or just because they want something to do for recreation in their spare time. The thing is that they often find, much to their surprise, that it's easier than they remember. A major part of the thirst to learn comes from experience; experience of struggling to communicate, or of realizing the greater opportunities that come with more learning.

You should absolutely take the time to learn a foreign language. There are many reasons to do so, but among the most important is how much it aids your communication. If you're holidaying abroad or doing business with a company that doesn't speak English, the level of welcome and co-operation you'll see when you take the effort to speak someone else's language must be seen to be believed. People are so used to just being expected to understand and speak English - it's a breath of fresh air to them when someone makes an effort.
Additionally, learning another language will make your English better. It's quite something, but thinking more about what you say means you choose words better. We don't tend to think much about the rules of the English language, but it does have them - and the structure involved in learning a new language transfers to how you use your present language.
Finally, and not insignificantly, learning another language really opens up new cultures to you. Learning to speak French means talking about things French people talk about. The daily life, the diet and the current affairs of another country - among other things - can be genuinely fascinating. And it doesn't have to be French, Spanish or Italian. It could be Arabic, Japanese, Swedish or anything. Just pick a language and a culture you want to experience, and get learning. You won't regret it.