
Traveller 5 | ثالث ثانوي الفصل الدراسي الاول | Words easily confused

الدرس السابق ⇚ Collocations connected with crime

Complete the sentences using the correct form of the words in the boxes.
rob - steal - burgle- mug

1. The police received a tip that someone was planning to rob the bank.
2. Someone tried to mug my grandfather the other day, but he beat him with his cane.
3. Someone opened my briefcase and steal my passport.
4. The Smiths’ home was burgled last week.

avoid - prevent - ban - forbid

5. Many states in the U.S. have banned smoking in all public buildings.
6. The criminal wanted to avoid serving his jail sentence, so he left the country.
7. I forbid you to leave your room, young lady!
8. There are many ways that you can prevent forest fires.

victim - hostage - witness

9. No one ever feels safe again once they’ve been the victim of a crime.
10. The bank robbers are holding over twenty hostages in the bank.
11. There were five witness at the scene of the accident who all agree that it was caused by the driver
of the blue car.

blame - accuse - charge - convict - sentence

12. The campers were blamed for setting fire to the forest.
13. Tony accused his boss of stealing money from the company.
14. The criminal was sentenced to life in prison.
15. The police have enough evidence to charge the man with forgery.
16. He was convicted of blackmail and spent many years in prison.

عوده لفهرس مفردات ترافلر 5 ⇐ Vocabulary Lesson

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