شرحنا في الدرس السابق ⇐ {The verb used to}
Relative pronouns/adverb
The Relative pronouns who, which, that and the Relative adverb where introduce relative clauses,
which give information about the subject or object of the main clause.
• Who is used for people.
نستخدم who للأشخاص
Bill is the person who gave me this book.
Alexander Graham Bell was the scientist who invented the telephone.
• Which is used for animals, things and abstract nouns.
نستخدم which للحيوانات, والأشياء, والأسماء المجردة.
Have you seen the cake which I prepared for Mary?
Lions are animals which live in Africa.
• That is used for people, animals, things and abstract nouns. It can replace who and which.
Here are the shoes that I bought last week.
Ameer is the student that won the competition.
• Where indicates place.
تُشير where إلى مكان.
This is the building where I used to live as a child.
الدرس التالي ⇐ {Future will}
عوده لفهرس القواعد {Grammar}
⬛ قد ترغب بزيارة ⇐ قناة ثمرات اللغة