quiz 0 English Vocabulary Quiz | holiday, always, system, address, separate ثمرات اللغة اخر تحديث : English Vocabulary Quiz Quiz 1. holiday: punch period of time when you are not at work or school a person who lives by asking people for money or food without delay 2. always: move from place to place feeling or showing thanks an occasion when people pack a meal and take it to eat outdoors at all times 3. system: not standing or sitting punch organized approach a place to live, work or stay in 4. address: the goods carried in a ship or plane a university teacher of the highest rank not standing or sitting details of location 5. separate: a large musical instrument without delay to no longer move not joined to something else Score = Correct answers: Back To The Main تعديل المقال الأقسام quiz مقالات قد تهمك تعليقات