0 How to give the opposite meaning? ثمرات اللغة اخر تحديث : Quiz 1. pleasant By adding the prefix –un By adding the prefix –ir By adding the prefix –im By adding the prefix –il 2. formal By adding the prefix –ir By adding the prefix –in By adding the prefix –im By adding the prefix –il 3. punctual By adding the prefix –im By adding the prefix –ir By adding the prefix –un By adding the prefix –ir 4. satisfactory By adding the prefix –un By adding the prefix –ir By adding the prefix –im By adding the prefix –il 5. polite By adding the prefix –il By adding the prefix –ir By adding the prefix –im By adding the prefix –dis 6. fair By adding the prefix –im By adding the prefix –il By adding the prefix –ir By adding the prefix –un 7. legal By adding the prefix –ir By adding the prefix –im By adding the prefix –il By adding the prefix –dis 8. hurt By adding the prefix –il By adding the prefix –im By adding the prefix –un By adding the prefix –ir Score = Correct answers: Quiz 3 : Opposite Meaning تعديل المقال تعليقات