quiz 0 Verbs Used When Talking About Weather - Quiz #3 ثمرات اللغة اخر تحديث : English Vocabulary Quiz Quiz 1. shine to cover, shut off, or close off with snow to be bright water that falls from the sky in separate drops to send out air 2. rain to cover, shut off, or close off with snow water that falls from the sky in separate drops to send out air to flow quickly in a continuous stream 3. blow to flow quickly in a continuous stream to cover, shut off, or close off with snow to send out air to cover, shut off, or close off with snow 4. freeze to cover, shut off, or close off with snow to flow quickly in a continuous stream to be bright to become hard, and often turn to ice 5. pour to flow quickly in a continuous stream to cover, shut off, or close off with snow to be bright to send out air 6. snow to send out air water that falls from the sky in separate drops to be bright to cover, shut off, or close off with snow Score = Correct answers: Back To The Main تعديل المقال الأقسام quiz مقالات قد تهمك تعليقات