quiz 0 Vocabulary Words About looking for a Job ثمرات اللغة اخر تحديث : Vocabulary Words About Looking For a Job Quiz 1. wage the ability to do something well a fixed period of time during which people work point in someone’s character a regular amount of money that you earn, usually every week 2. skill the ability to do something well point in someone’s character a fixed period of time during which people work a regular amount of money that you earn, usually every week 3. experience point in someone’s character the knowledge and skill that you have gained for a period of time a fixed period of time during which people work the ability to do something well 4. qualification a fixed period of time during which people work point in someone’s character an exam that you have passed or a course of study that you have successfully completed the ability to do something well 5. interview the ability to do something well a fixed period of time during which people work point in someone’s character a formal meeting 6. hours point in someone’s character a fixed period of time during which people work the ability to do something well a regular amount of money that you earn, usually every week 7. personal qualifications a formal meeting a regular amount of money that you earn, usually every week point in someone’s character the ability to do something well Score = Correct answers: Back To The Main تعديل المقال الأقسام quiz vocabulary مقالات قد تهمك تعليقات