إجابات ميقا قول 6
حلول كتاب الطالب Student Book
إجابات| Intro
إجابات| Unit 1 Everyone Makes Mistakes الجميع يُخطئ
إجابات|Unit 2 Against the Odds رغم كل الصعاب
إجابات|Unit 3 Beauty Is Only Skin Deep الجمال هو جمال الروح
إجابات| EXPANSION Units 1-3
إجابات| Unit 4 They Said, We Said قالوا أننا قلنا
إجابات| Unit 5 Express Yourself عبر عن نفسك
إجابات| Unit 6 Lost and Found المفقودات
إجابات| EXPANSION Units 4-6
1 Listen and Discuss
إجابات| Unit 1 Everyone Makes Mistakes الجميع يُخطئ
إجابات|Unit 2 Against the Odds رغم كل الصعاب
إجابات|Unit 3 Beauty Is Only Skin Deep الجمال هو جمال الروح
إجابات| EXPANSION Units 1-3
إجابات| Unit 4 They Said, We Said قالوا أننا قلنا
إجابات| Unit 5 Express Yourself عبر عن نفسك
إجابات| Unit 6 Lost and Found المفقودات
إجابات| EXPANSION Units 4-6
إجابة فقرة استمع وناقش
اقرأ وجد عن ماذا يتحدث النص.
Rocking Chairs … where?
a clever business decision
قرار تجاري ذكي
Is Europa similar to Earth?
a breakthrough in space exploration
(طفرة\إنجاز) في استكشاف الفضاء
Did you know that?
an accidental discovery
اكتشاف عرَضي أومفاجئ
And did you know that?
an accidental discovery
Would you gossip about a friend?
Would you gossip about a friend?
human behavior
سلوك بشري
3 Conversation(Part 1)
الزمن المستنتج من المحادثة الأولى
You must be kidding!
(present) حاضر
He can’t have landed upright on the street!
(past) ماضي
(Part 2)
المحادثة الثانية
He can’t have stayed alive for two months in the cold.
But that can’t have been enough for two months. He must have been confused. It must have been less than two months.
They couldn’t believe he’d been there that long but scientists confirmed that he must have gone into hibernation. They also said that and “Igloo effect” must have been created by the insulation of
the car, so he was able to survive.
4 Speaking
إجابة فقرة التحدث
ما الدافع لبرايان ومارك لمواصلة وتحقيق أحلامهم في التعلم؟
appreciate and take advantage of benefits/ advantages that were available to them.
كيف تعتقد أن حياة برايان ربما قد تطورت ، إذا لم يكن مصممًا على هذا النحو؟
كيف تعتقد أن حياة مارك قد تطورت ، إذا لم يستفد من استفادة الموظف التي كانت متاحة له؟
كيف تعتقد أن حياة مارثا قد تطورت ، لو كانت قد استسلمت\يأست؟
⇪ عودة لأعلى الصفحة ⇪
Unit 1: Everyone Makes Mistakes
1 Listen and Discuss
إجابة فقرة استمع وناقش
صل كل كلمة بتعريفها
1. f 2. b
3. d
4. c
5. a
6. e
الإجابات على هذه الأسئلة تتفاوت. لكن هُنا إجابات ممكنة
1. William Orton did not realize that the telephone would become the most valuable patent in history.2. If the radio operator had given the warning to the captain about the iceberg that was directly in the ship’s path, the Titanic might not have sunk.
3. Russia probably regretted selling Alaska to the United States since the Americans discovered gold.
4. Coca-Cola tried to change the formula of the soft drink that had been the most popular in the world for over 100 years.
3 Grammar
حلول فقرة القواعد
1. may have
2. wasn’t supposed to
3. must have
4. may have
5. should have
6. shouldn’t have
7. was supposed to
8. should not have
1. could have / might have
2. was supposed to
3. could have
4. couldn’t have
5. should have / could have
6. might have / may have
7. should have
8. must have / should have
9. might have / could have
10. must have
1. These keys must have been dropped at the meeting.
2. Hot chocolate may have been drunk by the Mayans as far back as 2,600 years ago.
3. This picture must have been taken by a professional photographer.
4. The accident may have been caused by a computer error.
5. He could have been arrested for speeding, but was let go with a warning.
6. You should have been given a course catalog on the first day of school.
7. The vegetables in our garden might have been eaten by a squirrel or a rabbit.
8. Our car was supposed to have been fixed by now, but it’s still broken.
A. He must not have been expecting the good news. It might have been a surprise to him. The good news may have been given to him by his parents.
B. He must have just missed his train. He might have had a job interview. He should have gotten to the station earlier.
C. He must have been late. He shouldn’t have driven through the center. He may have got to work on time if he’d avoided the traffic.
D. The cup must have been made of china. Somebody might have dropped it accidentally. It may have fallen out of a cabinet.
5 Listening
فيديو تدريبي على مهارة الإستماع لقصة النحل وقصة الخاتم
من هنا ← Listening
7 Vocabulary Building
1. e
2. c
3. d
4. b
5. f
6. a
10 Writing
• At the airport terminal
• The writer and the person who looked like him and had the same family name.
• They got to know each other and found out that they were descendants of the same family.
• He gained a close friend and relative that he would never have met if he hadn’t mistakenly picked up the wrong coat.
• The first paragraph sets the scene
• The second paragraph reveals the first clue, “Somebody had mistakenly taken a coat that was a lot lighter than his….to meet him at the information desk. / I stopped …a look at the label…I had never seen it before!
• The third paragraph reveals the second clue, “… looked vaguely familiar ….shared the same family name.”
• The fourth paragraph presents factual outcome
• The final paragraph presents the writer’s thoughts and reflection.
• Yes, it is as there is mention of the fact that they looked alike and shared the same family name.
• Call on students to share their answers with the class
Sample Answers:
• When I picked up my coat it felt a bit heavier than usual, but I quickly put it down to fatigue…. (feeling, thought)
• I sauntered about the Duty Free section at the terminal, having a look at displays. (fact)
• No, there isn’t a regular pattern. Facts and feeling/thoughts are integrated as required.
11 Form, Meaning and Function
1. the
2. (-), an
3. the
4. (-), an, (-)
5. a, the
Students’ own answers.
1. career/occupation/profession/job
2. career/occupation/profession/job
3. university
4. qualifications, salary
5. interests
6. work
7. guidance
Students’ own answers.
⇪ عودة لأعلى الصفحة ⇪
Unit 2 Against the Odds
1. resemblance
2. astounded
3. successively
4. delighted
5. assassinated
6. striking
الإجابة هنا تتفاوت. لكن هُنا إجابة ممكنة.
2. Three owners of the kimono died before they had the chance to wear it.
3. The fire spread out of control, destroying many buildings and killing 100,000 people.
4. He was able to see and hear again, and he began to regrow hair on his head.
5. The king and the restaurant owner looked identical, were born on the same day in the same city, and were both married to a woman named Margherita.
3 Grammar
1. so
2. so little
3. such a
4. such
5. so
6. so few
7. so many
8. such a
9. so few
10 . so few
1. d I’m having such a good time that I don’t want to go home.
2. a The food was so spicy that my mouth burned for half an hour after eating it.
3. f Emma is such a popular name that there are four girls in my class with that name.
4. c The school is so selective that they only accept one student for every 100 applications.
5. g The company received so many complaints that they had to recall the product.
6. b My brother has won so many sports trophies that we’ve had to build a shelf to put them on.
7. e You made such a big meal that we’ll never be able to finish it all.
Answers will vary. Sample answers:
1. After finishing a large meal, I often feel sleepy.
2. You should always put on sunscreen before going to the beach.
3. While waiting for the bus, we looked through some magazines.
4. Before finding an apartment to rent, they had looked at dozens of apartments.
5. Before moving to Riyadh, my family had always lived in the country.
6. Since joining the social networking site, he has met many new friends.
7. While walking down the street, I ran into my old science teacher.
Answers will vary. Sample answers:
1. It is such a hot day that the teenage boy’s ice cream cone is dripping.
2. The little boy is so excited that he is dragging his father to the
ice cream truck.
3. The little boy has eaten so much ice cream that he feels sick.
4. While running, the teenage boy tripped and fell.
5. Before skateboarding, the boy is putting on knee pads.
4 Conversation
Answers will vary. Sample answers:
1. They are both from Jeddah. Fahd is friends with Ahmed’s brother.
2. They are both studying pre-law at the same college in Beirut.
3. He feels shocked about the coincidences.
5 Listening
How are Alicia and Jenna alike?
Both: They are both
studying psychology
have similar accents and mannerisms
have been painting since they were five
liked horses
planned to study teaching
volunteered at the community support center
have the same recurring dream
7 Vocabulary Building
1. d 2. h 3. g 4. c 5. b 6. a 7. e 8. f
After Reading
1. She survived and made it home under very
difficult circumstances.
2. She was very thin and tired.
3. He got lost on the mountain and had no supplies
or way of calling for help.
4. He did not eat snow, and he used his pocket radio
to point him in the right direction.
5. He fell while wandering off alone into a field.
6. His body temperature lowered and his heart
rate slowed down.
10 Writing
الإجابات تتفاوت
Answers will vary. Sample answers:
A vibrant society: a society that is empowered by social and health
care systems that ensure the physical, psychological and social
well-being and is healthy, active and successful.
A thriving economy: a diversified, dynamic economy, with a lot
of employment and investment opportunities for small and large
enterprises, streamlined business services in a strategic location.
An ambitious nation: a nation that is interested in ongoing growth
and success in all sectors.
Answers will vary. Sample answers
1. Residential districts/ areas are planned and built carefully in an
environmentally friendly manner. / Sustainable, residential areas are
planned and built to provide inhabitants with a healthy, attractive
and secure environment.
2. There are healthy plants and trees indoors and outdoors in all
possible places, thanks to the domes that filter radiation. / You see
plants everywhere, in and out of buildings. It’s amazing how well
all the plants and trees are doing thanks to the protection of the
11 Form, Meaning and Function
1. was
2. was about to
3. rushed
4. knew
5. was lying
6. happened
7. was listening
8. hit
9. were burned
1 0 . had
1 1 . followed
1 2 . was carrying
1 3 . traveled
Students’ own answers
1. had cooked, caught
2. arrived, had stopped
3. had been, appeared
4. had never traveled, went
5. arrived, had already taken
1. attempted
2. spent
3. bought
4. took
5. felt
6. had planned
7. went
8. tried
9. ran
10 . left
1 1 . tried
1 2 . discovered
1 3 . had made
1 4 . thought
1 5 . had locked
13 Self Reflection
Answers will vary. Sample answers
• Mountain climbing is such a demanding activity that climbers
need to keep training and practicing on a daily basis.
• He had so little money that he could not afford to buy himself a
decent meal.
• I worked so hard/ for so many hours yesterday that I hardly had
the energy to drive home.
• After arranging to meet in Chicago, they both called and booked their flights.
• He had an accident while driving to the airport.
• Have volunteers answer the questions. Elicit more questions and answers from pairs of students after you give them a couple of minutes to think.
⇪ عودة لأعلى الصفحة ⇪
Unit 3 Beauty Is Only Skin Deep
1. obsession
2. traced
3. extracted
4. elements
5. synthetic
6. privileged
7. appealing
Answers will vary. Sample answers:
1. They were made out of animal hair, porcupine quills, shells, and bone.
2. Lipstick has been made from seaweed and iodine; ants and
beetles; and castor oil, beeswax, and animal fat.
3. They put perfume in their baths and on their underarms,
and they tried using odd items such as incense and porridge
as deodorant.
4. Nail polish represented social class.
3 Grammar
1. forget that
2. hope that
3. know that
4. complaining that
5. thought that
6. discovered that
7. noticed that
Answers will vary. Sample answers:
1. I recently saw a film that had great special effects.
2. I recently complained that it’s too cold in the classroom.
3. I recently decided that I would exercise every morning.
4. I believe that I can learn English if I try harder.
5. I dream that scientists will find a cure for cancer.
6. I will always remember that my uncle taught me how
to ride a bike.
7. I expect that in the future we will be able to travel in space.
8. People often forget that they should be polite to everyone.
Answers will vary. Sample answers:
1. She’s worried that she’s going to fail the class.
2. Are you aware that we’re going to have a mid-term exam?
3. We’re lucky that we had good weather for the picnic.
4. I’m amazed that he drove all the way here.
5. I’m certain that Joanne passed the exam.
6. He’s really disappointed that he didn’t get the job.
7. I’m glad that the summer is finally here.
8. I’m surprised that you don’t like coffee.
Answers will vary. Sample answers:
The stylist is disappointed that the customer doesn’t like his haircut.
The customer is complaining that he doesn’t like his haircut.
The other customer is afraid that he will get a bad haircut too.
4 Conversation
About the Conversation
Answers will vary. Sample answers:
1. She did not like her haircut.
2. She thinks her hair looks very nice.
3. Anne convinces Sophie that her haircut looks good.
She agrees to keep it as it is for a while.
5 Listening
7 Vocabulary Building
1. d
2. g
3. a
4. b
5. h
6. c
7. e
8. f
After Reading
Answers will vary. Sample answers:
1. The ancient Greeks thought that proportion was the key
to beauty. They discovered a mathematical formula. The ideal face
was two-thirds as wide as it was high.
2. Symmetry is when one side of something matches the other
side. Symmetrical faces are considered more beautiful.
3. A research has shown that people across all cultures tend to
admire symmetrical features.
4. In ancient China, women practiced foot binding to make their
feet look small.
5. In times of famine, it was more desirable to be plump. When
food became readily available, it was more desirable to be thin.
10 Writing
1, 2, 3 answers will vary
4. The writer believes that money is important.
His arguments are that:
Although, money cannot buy happiness if there is none, it can
help sustain it, for example the father would not be so stressed
and concerned if there was enough money to cover the family’s needs.
Although, health is important, it is equally true that money can
preserve or restore health.
He uses examples from the case he describes, for example the child
that needs ongoing care along with the children that are planning
to study law and medicine. In addition, the mother’s condition and
pending surgery increases the burden.
5. Answers will vary. Hold a class discussion on the issue of
• There are 5 paragraphs.
Paragraph 1: Introduction/writer’s view
Paragraph 2: the case of the family man
Paragraph 3: the problem/ the predicament
Paragraph 4: interpretation of the problem/writer’s view and
Paragraph 5: Conclusion/ writer’s overall viewpoint
• Thesis statements
Paragraph 1: Although … problems.
Paragraph 2: However, one of his children … medicine.
Paragraph 3: He has to … satisfaction.
Paragraph 4: I think... manner.
Paragraph 5: So regardless … important.
11 Form, Meaning and Function
1. The heater is broken. It needs to be repaired/fixed.
2. The pants are torn. They need to be sewn.
3. The knife is blunt. It needs to be sharpened.
4. The car is dented. It needs to be mended / fixed.
5. A button has fallen off. It needs to be sewn back on.
6. The heel has broken. It needs to be repaired.
7. The tire has a puncture. It needs to be replaced.
إجابات الطلاب تتفاوت
1. The train arriving on Platform 3 is the 10:33 Fast City Link.
2. The doctor called out lives nearby.
3. Instead of going home, they went to the park.
4. While listening to the football game, he did his homework.
5. The stock market crash occurring in 2008 affected many people
around the world.
6. Jack was disappointed when he found out he hadn’t been
accepted to his first choice of university.
7. On arriving at the airport you must check in your bags.
⇪ عودة لأعلى الصفحة ⇪
1 Language Review
Answers will vary. Sample answers:
1. might have / could have, might have / could have
2. should have
3. must have
4. should…have
5. were supposed to
6. should have / could have
7. must have
8. was supposed to
Answers will vary. Sample answers:
1. The noise was so startling that it made us jump.
2. They are such good friends that I assumed they would
go to the same university..
3. I had so little interest in the documentary that I fell asleep
halfway through it.
4. People were so outraged by the radio announcer’s comments
that his show was cancelled.
5. He got so disoriented driving in the city that he had to use his
GPS to find his way home.
6. He is taking so few classes this semester that he has time to
work two jobs.
7. It was such a violent storm that it snapped most of the
branches on that tree.
8. She is such an absent-minded person that she forgot her
dental appointment..
9. The accident did so much damage to the car that it’s not
even worth fixing.
10. There were so many people ahead of us in line that it took an
hour to get into the museum.
Answers will vary. Sample answers:
1. skiing all day
2. eating three pieces of cake
3. taking the test
4. giving his speech
5. taking the class
6. leaving the house
Answers will vary. Sample answers:
1. I will have a really nice house
2. I will not be accepted into a university
3. his appointment was the day before mine
4. I wanted to be a teacher
5. the author of that book lived nearby
6. I’m very tall
7. I will go to college
8. I’m very trustworthy
Answers will vary. Sample answers:
1. He is disappointed that he didn’t win the match.
2. They are happy that they meet again.
3. He is surprised that he slept so late.
4. He is unaware that someone is trying to steal his bag.
5. He is glad that he is graduating from college.
1. It is a fact that your diet affects your health.
2. It is unlikely that he’ll be able to afford a car this year.
3. It is funny that he doesn’t like tomatoes but he does like
tomato soup.
4. It is strange that he missed the goal even though he was very
close to it.
5. It is obvious that people who study harder usually get
better grades.
6. It is possible that if people start using alternative sources of
energy, global warming can be slowed.
After Reading
1. devastating
2. alleviate
3. distress
4. confined
5. irrational
Answers will vary. Sample answers:
1. A phobia is an intense, irrational fear of something that doesn’t
pose any true danger.
2. A sufferer might experience shaking, rapid heartbeat, difficulty
breathing, sweating, chest pains, dizziness, or a feeling of
overwhelming anxiety.
3. Claustrophobia is a fear of small, confined spaces.
Arachnophobia is a fear of spiders.
4. People might learn phobias from their parents, or they might
develop them as a reaction to a frightening experience.
5. People with phobias can take medication or undergo
counseling to help them overcome their fear.
3 Language Plus
1. scare the living daylights out of 4. scared stiff
2. shake like a leaf 5. scared to death
3. make your hair stand on end 6. get goose bumps
4 Writing
Answers will vary. Sample answers:
1. The news report was over.
2. If I go shopping, I’ll call you.
3. Unless the weather is nice, we’ll have to cancel.
4. We eat too much fast food.
⇪ عودة لأعلى الصفحة ⇪
Unit 4 They Said, We Said
Quick Check
1. h 3. a 5. b 7. e
2. d 4. c 6. g 8. f
Answers will vary. Sample answers:
1. Will Rogers does not like being gossiped about. Oscar Wilde does.
2. The fact that people are interested in talking about others'
faults, not their virtues; that friends cannot be trusted not to talk
behind one's back; that nothing remains private.
3. If you have a friend who likes to gossip about other people, that
friend probably gossips about you to others.
4. I agree with the George Bernard Shaw quote. People always
want to know about other people’s secrets.
5. I disagree with the Spanish proverb. I think that true friends
would not gossip about each other even though they enjoy
gossiping about other people together.
3 Grammar
1. Rebecca said, “They should mind their own business.”
2. Albert said, “Can I have the check, please?”
3. I said, “He deserves praise for all of his accomplishments.”
4. You said, “I promise that I won’t tell your secret.”
5. Mark Twain said, “The rumors of my death have been
greatly exaggerated.”
1. Mrs. Jackson said (that) she had taught at this school for
15 years.
2. He said (that) his cell phone wasn’t working.
3. The teacher asked John why he was late.
4. My brother said (that) he thought he was going to grow
a beard.
5. They said (that) they didn’t want to go out tonight.
6. My sister promised (that) she would tell you her secret later.
7. Peter said (that) there is a brilliant lecturer speaking tonight.
8. We said (that) we would/will help them move into their new apartment.
9. The waiter said (that) there would/will be a 20-minute wait for a table.
10. Pedro said (that) he was watching TV when the earthquake began.
1. might 6. appears
2. likes 7. has been/had been
3. will/would 8. to call
4. is 9. will/would
5. should 10. would
1. We asked him if/whether the rumor was true.
2. My sister asked me if/whether I was going to tell her my secret.
3. The waiter asked the customer if/whether he wanted milk for
his coffee.
4. I asked him if/whether he voted in the last election.
5. They asked us if/whether we needed directions.
6. She asked her sister if/whether she could get some groceries
from the supermarket.
4 Conversation
About the Conversation
Answers will vary. Sample answers:
1. Farah told Anna that Ella and Susan had split up.
2. She thought that Stacy was Susan’s best friend.
3. She is skeptical about it, because she doesn’t like confrontation.
5 Listening
They crashed their father’s van into a delivery van.
2. They were going to be hospitalized for at least a week.
3. Their father was going to send them to a boarding school.
It was a hoax set up by their father and the police.
It was filmed as part of a series on sensible driving for young drivers.
It was a hoax set up by their father to scare them into being more careful.
7 Vocabulary Building
1. c 2. e 3. g 4. f 5. b 6. d 7. a
After Reading
1. true
2. false ( need for attention, acceptance, insecurity, feel superior,
powerful, important)
3. false (Gossipers are only accepted for the short period
of time it takes to spread the gossip.)
4. true
5. false (Most young people gossip because they are bored.)
10 Writing
• The writer hates gossip because she finds it boring and
• She feels bored and uncomfortable. She also becomes very
reluctant to share any news for fear of having them passed on
to a number of people who might or might not know her.
• She is definitely in favor of minding one’s own business
because she believes that everyone has the right to privacy
without being considered antisocial or peculiar.
The best summary is c.
• Students should have underlined some or all of the following:
Paragraph 1: I hate gossip. / I find ... destructive.
Yet, so much… gossip. / A lot of …
Paragraph 2: She proceeded … heard of. / None … property.
Paragraph 3: I started feeling physically sick.
Paragraph 4: Imminent calamity … development. / the
preceding questions
Paragraph 5: The more dismal the news .. the more successful
the program is
11 Form, Meaning and Function
1. d You ought to/had better/should tell me what you heard.
2. a You ought to/ had better/ should take a rest.
3. e She shouldn’t talk about other people.
4. b He ought to/had better/ should go to the dentist.
5. f They ought to/ had better/should drink warm liquids.
6. c You ought to/ had better/ should tell the teacher.
Students’ own answers.
1. should
2. may, could
3. can, will be able to
4. could
5. shouldn’t
6. may, might, ought to
7. may, might
8. can’t
9. won’t be able to, can’t
1 0 . can
Quick Check
1. c 3. f 5. b 7. a
2. g 4. e 6. d
Answers will vary. Sample answers:
1. false (Mandarin is the most widely spoken language in the world.)
2. true
3. false (The shortest complete sentence is “Go.”)
4. false (More words in English have been borrowed from Arabic.)
5. true
3 Grammar
1. h A photographer is someone who / that takes
2. g A fashion designer is someone who / that creates
3. e A flag is something which / that is a symbol of a nation.
4. j A linguist is someone who / that studies languages.
5. i A hammer is something which / that is used to put nails
in a wall.
6. c An exam is something which / that tests a student’s
7. b An electronic reader is something which / that lets you read books on a screen.
8. f A vegetarian is someone who / that doesn’t eat meat.
9. a Synonyms are two words which / that have the same meaning.
10. d A dictionary is something which / that gives the meanings of words.
Answers will vary. Sample answers:
1. The bird they saw in the museum is extinct.
2. no change
3. That’s not the book the teacher asked us to get.
4. Where is the food I brought home from the restaurant last night?
5. no change
6. no change
7. John is a person you can count on.
8. Do you have another pen you can lend me?
9. The book you bought me is interesting.
10. no change
11. no change
Answers will vary. Sample answers:
1. I saw the man who/that stole her wallet.
2. The email which/that you sent me didn’t make sense.
3. We saw a film on TV which/that was really depressing last night.
4. The man who asked for directions looked confused.
5. This is the restaurant which/that we have eaten at for three consecutive days.
6. The article which/that you want to read isn’t in this newspaper.
7. She lost the necklace which/that she borrowed from her mother.
8. I know the neighbors who/that have ten children.
9. Do you like the textbook which/that you are using in that class?
10. Where can I find the supermarket which/that sells organic fruits and vegetables?
11. You need to write a research paper which/that cites at least three sources.
Answers will vary. Sample answers:
1. English is a language which is spoken in many countries.
2. I routinely eat foods that are easy to make.
3. I like people who don’t talk too much.
4. Students usually like teachers who are friendly.
5. I sometimes worry that I won’t get the job that I want.
6. I like books that are funny and light-hearted.
7. I have a friend who often borrows money from me.
8. I have a job that pays well.
⇪ عودة لأعلى الصفحة ⇪
Unit 5 Express Yourself
Quick Check
1. c 3. f 5. b 7. a
2. g 4. e 6. d
Answers will vary. Sample answers:
1. false (Mandarin is the most widely spoken language in the world.)
2. true
3. false (The shortest complete sentence is “Go.”)
4. false (More words in English have been borrowed from Arabic.)
5. true
3 Grammar
1. h A photographer is someone who / that takes
2. g A fashion designer is someone who / that creates
3. e A flag is something which / that is a symbol of a nation.
4. j A linguist is someone who / that studies languages.
5. i A hammer is something which / that is used to put nails
in a wall.
6. c An exam is something which / that tests a student’s
7. b An electronic reader is something which / that lets you
read books on a screen.
8. f A vegetarian is someone who / that doesn’t eat meat.
9. a Synonyms are two words which / that have the
same meaning.
10. d A dictionary is something which / that gives the
meanings of words.
Answers will vary. Sample answers:
1. The bird they saw in the museum is extinct.
2. no change
3. That’s not the book the teacher asked us to get.
4. Where is the food I brought home from the restaurant
last night?
5. no change
6. no change
7. John is a person you can count on.
8. Do you have another pen you can lend me?
9. The book you bought me is interesting.
10. no change
11. no change
Answers will vary. Sample answers:
1. I saw the man who/that stole her wallet.
2. The email which/that you sent me didn’t make sense.
3. We saw a film on TV which/that was really depressing last night.
4. The man who asked for directions looked confused.
5. This is the restaurant which/that we have eaten at for three
consecutive days.
6. The article which/that you want to read isn’t in this newspaper.
7. She lost the necklace which/that she borrowed from
her mother.
8. I know the neighbors who/that have ten children.
9. Do you like the textbook which/that you are using in
that class?
10. Where can I find the supermarket which/that sells organic fruits
and vegetables?
11. You need to write a research paper which/that cites at least
three sources.
Answers will vary. Sample answers:
1. English is a language which is spoken in many countries.
2. I routinely eat foods that are easy to make.
3. I like people who don’t talk too much.
4. Students usually like teachers who are friendly.
5. I sometimes worry that I won’t get the job that I want.
6. I like books that are funny and light-hearted.
7. I have a friend who often borrows money from me.
8. I have a job that pays well.
4 Conversation
Answers will vary. Sample answers:
1. The peoples voices are too loud, and they can’t hear each other clearly.
2. He is the captain of the football team. Badr says that he finds him boring.
3. They decide to leave the restaurant and get a bite to eat at the diner on the corner.
5 Listening
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إجابات كتاب الطالب موقع ثمرات اللغه |
1. d 2. h 3. g 4. f 5. a 6. c 7. e 8. b
After Reading
Answers will vary. Sample answers:
1. Some inventors have wanted to invent a simple and easy-tolearn
language, some have wanted to create a gender-neutral
language, and some have wanted to make language more
mathematical or scientific.
2. Zamenhof lived close to four different ethnic groups that spoke
four different languages and that didn’t get along very well. He
thought the language difference between the groups was the
root of the problem, and that they would get along better if
they spoke the same language.
3. malbela
4. People didn’t want to spend too much time learning a new
language that few people spoke.
5. Klingon is the language of the Klingons, a fictitious race of
people from outer space. It was invented just for Star Trek.
6. Esperanto and Klingon are both invented languages. Klingon
was invented exclusively for Star Trek, and its circulation has
made the studio a lot of money. Esperanto was developed for
a humanitarian goal of bringing people together through a common language.
10 Writing
• Not as important as many people think. At least not as important in speaking as it is in listening.
• The writer feels that it is important for learners to be able to understand different speakers of the language.
• In order to become familiar with international varieties of English, spoken by people of different nationalities. This is necessary for them to communicate with speakers of other languages in order to conduct business or socialize.
• Because they are a prerequisite of successful communication with members of different cultures.
Answers will vary.
11 Form, Meaning and Function
1. will translate OR are going to translate
2. will use OR are going to use
3. won’t run on OR aren’t going to run on
4. won’t be able to, will do
5. will use
Students’ own answers
a. 2 b. 4 c. 3 d. 1
1. visit
2. ancient
3. explore
4. archaeological
5. tombs
6. dive
7. reef
8. marine
9. hike
1 0 . plants
1 1 . animals
1 2 . amazing
1 3 . learn
1 4 . desert
1 5 . spectacular
1. I would go to the Red Sea in Egypt.
2. I would buy a new laptop.
3. I could surf.
4. he would lend me his textbook.
5. I would feel less anxious.
6. I would be an astronaut.
⇪ عودة لأعلى الصفحة ⇪
Unit 6 Lost and Found
1 Listen and Discuss
1. preserve
2. surrender
3. theory
4. notorious
5. treasure
6. revenge
7. invaluable
Answers will vary. Sample answers:
1. Because the Aztecs fought Cortés and his men.
2. He drained Lake Texcoco.
3. He was a king of Egypt.
4. It is the best preserved royal tomb ever discovered.
5. The Amber Room took eight years to construct and has been
called the eighth wonder of the world.
6. The Amber Room could have been on a passenger ship that
was sunk by a Soviet submarine. It could have been buried in
salt mines in the Ore Mountains. It might be hidden in a lost
underground shelter in Konigsberg, Germany.
3 Grammar
Answers will vary. Sample answers:
1. September 23rd is the day when people in Saudi Arabia
celebrate National Day.
2. 1918 was the year when World War I ended.
3. There are websites where you can buy used textbooks.
4. 11: 07 is the time that my train arrives.
5. Do you know a place where I can buy an electronic reader?
6. Dubai is a city in which many towers have been built.
Answers will vary. Sample answers:
1. September 23rd is the day on which people in Saudi Arabia
celebrate National Day.
2. 1918 was the year in which World War I ended.
3. There are websites that you can buy used textbooks from.
4. 11:07 is the time at which my train arrives.
5. Do you know a place from which I can buy an electronic reader?
6. Dubai is a city where many towers have been built.
Answers will vary. Sample answers:
1. I’ll always remember the day when I bought my first car.
2. I like to visit places where you can learn new things.
3. 2009 was the year when I went to China.
4. I’d like to attend a university where the standards are high.
5. I felt nervous the time when I had to give a presentation in front
of the class.
6. I usually eat in restaurants where the food is inexpensive.
7. I like to go to parks where I can have a picnic.
8. I sometimes have days when I don’t want to get out of bed.
Answers will vary. Sample answers:
1. I have neighbors whose son has the TV on loud day and night.
2. Is he the author whose books are so popular?
3. The teacher whose course I’m taking next semester is fantastic.
4. I have a friend whose father is a doctor.
5. He is the chef whose restaurant is notorious for causing
food poisoning.
6. Who is the person whose moldy sandwich is in the refrigerator?
Answers will vary. Sample answers:
1. whose behavior
2. whose clothes
3. whose books
4. whose meaning
5. whose drawing
1. who’s 6. whose
2. who’s 7. whose
3. whose 8. whose
4. who’s 9. who’s
5. who’s
4 Conversation
Answers will vary. Sample answers:
1. He lost his watch.
2. He realized it was missing when he got to work.
3. He left his watch on top of the medicine cabinet in the
bathroom. Abdullah helped him remember this.
5 Listening
1. Max, the parrot
2. Max opened the wire
enclosure and got out
of the yard.
3. Max came home
when he heard the
cell phone ringing.
4. David had a computer
chip put inside Max for
Mariella’s cell phone
Mariella dropped it on the beach.
A woman found it, recognized a
bridesmaid in the photos, and
returned it to Mariella’s sister’s friend.
She will tie it to her pants with a
7 Vocabulary Building
1. d 2. a 3. f 4. b 5. e 6. c
After Reading
1. true
2. false (Jackson Pollock was a famous 20th century painter.)
3. true
4. false (The Anglo-Saxons ruled England from the 5th century
until 1106.)
5. true
6. false (The treasure consisted of gold and silver in the form of
crosses, ornaments, swords, and weapons.)
10 Writing
• He is a businessman, or consultant or some related profession
and often has to travel on business.
• No, not really. He could be the man in the suit in the picture
in which case he might be in his forties or fifties or he might
be younger in his mid to late thirties. We have no clues on his
• A very busy, preoccupied person.
• At the airport.
• The writer was stressed because he needed his luggage and
had packed a new laptop in it as well. (paragraphs 3 and 4)
• Answers will vary.
• The writer must have felt very embarrassed at the end .
Paragraph 1
Factual information: I had just … for a week, / I had meetings every
day, …so on.
Thoughts and feelings: …, trying to make most of my time there;/
In other words, I was exhausted!
Paragraph 2
Thoughts and feelings: the whole paragraph
Paragraph 3
Factual information: I headed …I kept on waiting / Eventually,
the carousel stopped …luggage. I had even packed … to the
information desk,
Thoughts and feelings: and getting more and more stressed/ I
could not believe it/ …all worked up ready for a fight!
Paragraph 4
Factual information: …, so he explained …my suitcase
Thoughts and feelings: The person in charge was used to dealing
with upset passengers,/ I had been waiting at the wrong carousel
Sections that convey slower motion: Paragraph 2, Paragraph 3,
progressive forms, thoughts/ reflection, conjunctions.
Sections that convey faster motion: Paragraph 1, Paragraph 4
[second half ], simple forms e.g. past simple, listing as in paragraph
1 of actions that are time consuming but are presented within
restricted space in a condensed manner.
Sample Answer
1. I stopped walking towards the service desk where I was going
to fill out a form for my lost luggage. I walked toward the
suitcases that someone had lined alongside the carousel. I
stopped to check the sticker on one. It was my sticker which
meant that the suitcase was mine.
2. The reader gets bored and can see very little purpose in the
11 Form, Meaning and Function
Answers will vary. Possible answers.
If a Philadelphia man hadn’t visited a flea market, he wouldn’t have
purchased an old painting and he wouldn’t have found a valuable
and rare document.
If Teri Horton hadn’t been having a garage sale, a local art teacher
would not have seen the painting. The teacher would not have told
Mrs. Horton that the painting looked like a valuable piece of art by
a very famous painter.
If Terry Herbert hadn’t bought a metal detector, he wouldn’t have
found a lot of gold.
1. Terry Herbert felt as though he were dreaming when he found
11 pounds of gold!
2. We are spending money as though we were rich.
3. It’s high time you stopped gossiping.
4. You look as if you had seen something scary.
5. Adel walks as though he were an old man.
6. You’re behaving as if you owned this house.
7. He speaks as if he had taken lessons in public speaking.
8. Faris is talking as though he didn’t need this job.
9. It’s about time my brother took better care of himself.
1 0 . She pretends as though she didn’t start the rumor.
Words Connected With Historical Monuments
1. historic
2. breathtaking/astonishing/incredible
3. exhibits
4. artifacts
5. extraordinary/ incredible/astonishing
6. ethnographic
7. treasures
8. king
9. exquisite
1 0 . breathtaking/astonishing/incredible
11. monuments
12. ancient
13. queens
1. Under no circumstances can you take photographs of any
rooms or exhibits.
2. Seldom do I go to museums and art galleries these days.
3. No sooner had Ali and Ahmed arrived than the seminar
4. Not only did the ancient Egyptians know about the medicinal
use of oils but they also knew about kohl.
5. On no account must you touch anything.
1 Language ReviewA
Answers will vary. Sample answers:
1. King Abdul-Aziz said that they had to always be ready and fit. He said
that he trained his own children to walk barefoot, to rise two hours
before dawn, to eat but little, to ride horses bareback - he said/added
that sometimes they didn’t have a moment to saddle a horse, leap to
his back and go.
2. King Fahd bin Abdul-Aziz promised/said that he would be father
to the young, brother to the elderly. He said that he was but one of
them; whatever troubled them, troubled him; whatever pleased them,
pleased him.
3. Muhammed Ali said that a man who viewed the world the same at
fifty as he had at twenty had wasted thirty years of his life.
4. William Shakespeare said that he would praise any man that would
praise him.
5. King Abdul-Aziz said that he who obeyed the Almighty had no
difficulty in exacting obedience to himself.
6. Sulaiman Al-Rajhi said that every Muslim had to work on some
endowments that could benefit him in the life after death. Likewise,
he preferred for his children to work on developing the wealth, that
they would normally inherit after his death, while he was still alive,
rather than keep it and continue working to increase it himself.
Answers will vary. Sample answers:
1. The most ridiculous rumor which / that I ever heard was that a
famous football player was going to play for our local team.
2. The virtues which / that I think are most important are honesty and
3. Makkah is a city which / that more than 13 million Muslims visit
every year.
4. I am someone who / that always locks the doors at night.
5. I think (Answers will vary) is the person who has had the biggest
impact on my country.
6. The language which / that I would most like to acquire is Spanish.
7. Picasso is a person who / that I admire so much because he was a
great artist.
8. I am accustomed to having friends who / that are fun and easygoing.
9. The object which / that is my greatest treasure is a box that
belonged to my grandfather.
10. Lightning is something which / that really intimidates me.
1. whose
2. which
3. when
4. who
5. who
6. when
7. where
8. whose
Answers will vary. Sample answers:
1. The year 2010 was the year when I got my University degree.
2. September 23 is the day that Saudi Arabia celebrates its official
establishment as a unified Arab state.
3. Machu Picchu is the city where the ancient Incas used to live.
4. The Giza pyramid is the monument where the pharaoh Khafre was entombed.
5. Mada’in Saleh is the place that became Saudi Arabia’s first World Heritage Site.
6. The Eiffel Tower is a destination that many tourists visit every year.
7. Kingdom Center, which is the tallest building in Riyadh, is
located in the business district of Al-Olaya.
8. The Titanic was the ship which was supposed to be unsinkable.
After Reading
1. d
2. a
3. f
4. b
5. e
6. c
7. h
8. g
Answers will vary. Sample answers:
1. Fish, frogs, snakes, and red rain have fallen from the sky in rainfalls.
2. Louis believed that the red rain was particles from life forms on another planet, carried to Earth by a meteorite.
3. Ball lightning is a ball of light that floats through the air during thunderstorms.
4. The ball lightning floated through a passenger airplane, divided into two, formed into one again, and then floated out of the airplane, leaving two holes behind.
3 Language Plus
1. It’s all Greek to me.
2. Beats me.
3. can’t make heads nor tails of
4. get to the bottom of
5. piece together
6. not have a clue
4 Writing
2. Egypt is on the continent of
3. The Nile River helped
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